Christmas Recipes

  • Leftovers Pad Thai by Barry Horne

    Leftovers Pad Thai by Barry Horne
    To make the Pad Thai seasoning, mix the fish sauce, tamarind
    and palm sugar together. Warm the mixture either in a pot
    or in a bowl in the microwave just to melt the sugar.
    Place your noodles in a large pot or tub and pour boiling water
    over them to cover and leave to one side. Take all the meat
    from your duck or goose carcass and keep to one side.
    To make the omelette, whisk the eggs in a bowl and
    season with 1 tablespoon of Pad Thai seasoning.
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  • Christmas Gammon and Three Glazes

    Place the gammon in a large pot and cover with water, bring to the boil and, as soon a it reaches boiling point, empty out the water. This will get rid of any excess salt.
    Cover the gammon again with fresh water and add the onion, celery and carrot to the pot. Bring to the boil and lower to a simmer, cook for 40 mins per kilogram.
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  • Roast Free Range Bronze Turkey with Homemade Gravy

    Roast Free Range Bronze Turkey with Homemade Gravy
    Take the turkey out of the fridge an hour before cooking to get it to room temperature, this will ensure more even cooking throughout the bird. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C.
    Roughly chop the carrots, onions and celery and place in a large roasting tray along with the herbs, season well and add the wine.
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